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From the beginning, with my Divine Creator, as MY witness I, Marcus, a True Man of God, acknowledge, accept and invoke all blessings given by God, repent all transgressions against God, waive all benefits without God and declare my pledge of allegiance and gratitude to God; and My one and only true allegiance to My Divine Creator rebuts, disclaims and make full null and void any and all expressed or implied pledges of allegiance, loyalty, pledges of rights, titles, interest, or collateral of any kind to any man, men, woman or women temporal or spiritual, individually or as a group, or any of their artificial creations whatsoever, or to any spiritual being, including but not limited to: pope, church, military, society, government or their officers or agencies and rebuts and disclaims any savior outside or without ME: I acknowledge, accept  and invoke the truth of the words as spoken from the higher Christ consciousness: "Believest  it's thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works."


From the beginning, with my Divine Creator, as MY witness I, NyKeesha, a True Woman of God, acknowledge, accept and invoke all blessings given by God, repent all transgressions against God, waive all benefits without God and declare my pledge of allegiance and gratitude to God; and My one and only true allegiance to My Divine Creator rebuts, disclaims and make full null and void any and all expressed or implied pledges of allegiance, loyalty, pledges of rights, titles, interest, or collateral of any kind to any man, men, woman or women temporal or spiritual, individually or as a group, or any of their artificial creations whatsoever, or to any spiritual being, including but not limited to: pope, church, military, society, government or their officers or agencies and rebuts and disclaims any savior outside or without ME: I acknowledge, accept  and invoke the truth of the words as spoken from the higher Christ consciousness: "Believest  it's thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works."

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